All recreational dancers will need to participate at the dress rehearsal on Friday, June 22, from 10:00 AM -4:00 PM at Lyons Township High School NORTH Campus/Reber Center, 100 S Brainard, LaGrange,(company dancers will have their own Dress Rehearsal, as specified above). You will be given a specific window of time for your class’s rehearsal, so you will not need to be there for the entire 6 hours. We will be running the dances on stage in full costume. Right before the dancers run their dance, they will be taking their class group photo. If you would like individual shots, your dancer will be able to take them as well during the dress rehearsal. After the dancers are finished with pictures and running their dance on stage, they are free to leave.
Dancers and parents may watch the show from the auditorium during the dress rehearsal. During the recital, all dancers will be staying in the cafeteria. On the day of the recital there will be a live video feed of the show in the cafeteria for the dancers to watch. During the recital, please be sure to bring books and games to entertain the dancers. Each class will be assigned to a specific table with 1 or 2 parent supervisors. As a parent or guardian, you will need to check your dancer in/out with the table mom at the beginning and end of the show. Dancers will never be left unsupervised. We will be asking for volunteers to help with the table supervision in April, prior to ticket sales. If you are a table mom you are able to watch your dancer from backstage and will not need to buy a ticket for the show you volunteer for.