Complete the form and a member of our team will contact you to answer all your questions!
We will be following the acrobatic arts syllabus in our acro class
- There are 12 levels spanning from primary to preprofessional 3
- Each level consists of 4-9 skills each in flexibility, strength, balance, limbering, and tumbling
- Each level will have a dry erase board in the lobby with their required skills for their level! Once a student masters a skill on the board, they will receive a check for that skill! Once all skills on the board are completed, the student can move on to the next level
- Acrobatic arts training creates better dancers by increasing strength, flexibility and balance in addition to the new tumbling and limbering skills they are able to show.
- The training of skills is done with transitions that prepare the dancer to use the skills in choreography
- AcroDance is not the same as gymnastics
- An acro dancer must complete all of the skills on the hard stage without the advantage of a sprung floor, while seamlessly integrating musicality, emotional expression, extension, control and lines
- Skills taught in AcroDance may look the same as gymnastics, but are taught differently to compensate for the conditions
- Always take a drink of water before starting class to avoid headaches
- No practicing skills without instruction or permission to do so
- No handstands on mirrors
- No moving around the room unless instructed to avoid collisions
- Miss Ambrielle must verify all progressions of skills before the student may attempt the next skill
- This is especially important for skills that are put into dance choreography! 10/10X rule – a skill must be performed 10 times in a row perfectly for it to be considered mastered
- Technique is most important, even if it looks like a student is completing the skill, it needs to be technically mastered to move on
- This policy is in place by acrobatic arts for the safety of all dancers, to avoid injury and improper training of skills
- Attire:
- Hair – bun
- Clothing – biketard, leotard, and shorts, or sports bra and shorts! No loose articles permitted! Cutoff/convertible tights are allowed
- No jewelry or watches
- Bare feet
- A headache corner is implemented to allow a break for students who need it
- Take a drink of water
- Breathe deeply
- Sit with your knees in, head in hands, massaging temples
Class Placement Tests Begin Friday, April 12th.