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Hannah is 13 years old and has been dancing since she was 4! This is Hannah’s 3rd year on Company at Expression! Hannah’s favorite style of dance is jazz because she loves to turn, and dance to upbeat dances! Hannah’s strengths are her turns, and facial expressions. Hannah’s favorite things about Expression Dance Studio is that it is one big happy family and everyone supports each other! Hannah is looking forward to all the competitions this year! Hannah’s hobbies outside of dance are snowboarding, wake boarding, and hanging out with friends! Hannah would like to thank all the teachers at Expression for pushing her and help her get to where she is today! Also, she would like to thank her team for always supporting each other and always sticking together! She would also like to thank her parents and sister for helping out and supporting her! Lastly, Hannah would like to thank the rest of her family and friends for supporting her at showcases and competitions!