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Emelia “Mia” is 8 years old. She has been dancing since the age of three, and this is her 4th year in Expression Dance Company. She is excited to be doing lyrical this year, but jazz is probably still her favorite since she likes fast music. One of her dance strengths is that she focuses on picking up choreography quickly, and she isn’t afraid to try new things. She also has really been enjoying musical theater this year! Outside of dance, some of Mia’s favorite things to do are playing soccer, having sleepovers, reading new books, baking cookies, and shopping. She also likes popcorn and movie night with her two older brothers. She adores all of her “dance sisters” and can’t wait for the competition season to start. She wants to thank all of them for making her time at dance so fun. She also thanks her amazing teachers. She LOVES the new studio, especially the girls only dressing room. Special thanks to her “MieMie” who drives her “all over the place.” GO EDS!